Draft Horse Play Day, Jack London Park, Glen Ellen, CA

Neuadd Hillside
Neuadd Hillside Draft Horse Stallion

Did you know that author Jack London was fond of horses; particularly Draft horses? Jack London loved horses and included them often in his later writings. During the early 1900’s, when horses were being displaced on farms by tractors and trucks, Jack preferred to rely on horses. At times, he had as many as 50 horses on the Beauty Ranch to do farm work and provide horseback riding vacations for his guests visiting Glen Ellen, California.

His favorite horse was a Shire named “Neuadd Hillside”, shown in the above picture with his ranch foreman.

Beauty Ranch Draft Horses
Take a horseback riding vacation to Jack London State Park in Glen Ellen, California.

Draft Horse Plowing Play Day at Jack London State Park

The North Coast Draft Horse and Mule Association presents the 30th annual draft horse Plowing Play Day at Jack London State Historic Park.

This year’s event takes place on Sunday, May 19, 2013 from 10 am to 4 pm at Jack London State Park in Glen Ellen, California.

This family-friendly event features plowing and harnessing demonstrations, complimentary horse-drawn wagon rides, and medieval horseback Skill at Arms.

Visit with mules,  Clydesdale, Percheron, Shire and Belgian draft horses and watch blacksmith work their craft.

Food will be available for picnics in the Park’s “Beauty Ranch,” home of the famous author Jack London, who also raised Shire draft horses.

Draft horses
Take a horse-drawn wagon ride at Jack London State Park in Glen Ellen, California

Draft Horses

The North Coast Draft Horse and Mule Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the gentle giants and preserving the art of driving a team.

Horseback Riding in Jack London Park

While I haven’t had the chance to go to Sonoma for a horseback riding vacation, equestrians and those looking to ride horseback in Glen Ellen, California may do so with Triple Creek Horse Outfit. Have you gone on a horseback riding vacation in Sonoma County, California?

If You Go:

Jack London State Historic Park (707) 938-5216

2400 London Ranch Road, Glen Ellen, CA 95442

3 thoughts on “Draft Horse Play Day, Jack London Park, Glen Ellen, CA”

  1. These guys are amazing. My father used to work and really farm with draft horses when he was a young lad. That’s quite awhile ago now. But he use to tell me how gentle and forgiving they always were. More so than our saddle horses who were a little more high strung.

    I didn’t know Jack London admired them so. Good for him.

  2. @Keith
    I have had the pleasure of riding a Quarter Horse/Draft Horse cross and it was a smooth ride. Indeed, this gentle giant had a wonderful personality, too.

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